Continuing Adventures…

We’re leaving for our honeymoon in Italy tomorrow! There’s still a lot to do – packing, setting things up for our friends who are cat sitting for us, figuring out how to use the cool new video camera that we got for the trip, and more. We’re a little daunted by all of that, but also really excited. Both of us have been to Italy before, but in both cases, our time in Italy was fairly limited. This time it’s all Italy all the time (aside from a possible side trip to France…and maybe Monaco…and hey, Switzerland’s not that far away.. :-).

We’ll be blogging about our travels and posting pictures here.

Michelangelo's "David" (picture by Steve Hanna)
We’ll be visiting this guy…

(picture of Michelangelo’s “David” by Steve Hanna, who made it available via Flickr with a Creative Commons License – here’s the original link to his picture)


Wow. That was an amazing (and exhausting) day. Thank you so much to everyone that helped and/or attended, in body or spirit – you truly made this the community event that we wanted it to be.

We’ve got a couple of updates to share:

First, there’s a new Pictures! page with pictures from the wedding. It’s based on a Flckr album that you can go to for more info, including photo credits. We know that a lot of you were taking pictures, and we’d love it if you could share them with us. To do so, you can either email them to us directly or upload them to our wedding pictures Flckr group. You’ll need to join the group as a member, but since it’s a public group, the approval will be automatic. Thanks so much!

Second, we’ve posted the music play lists from our ceremony and reception. We’ve got Spotify links to the audio files for some of them – you’ll need to make a free Spotify account to access those if you don’t have one already.


We’re getting married on April 18, 2015 in Arlington, VA. This website includes information on various aspects, including travel, venue, and so forth.

Jen's 442h birthday