
First, we’re so grateful that you would like to give us a wedding gift. However, because we both have been on our own for a while, and now live in a one bedroom condominium, we already have (almost) more stuff than we have room for (in fact, we actually had to give away several items when we combined our households). Please believe us when we say that your good wishes and support are the best wedding present that we can imagine, so we are forgoing the traditional wedding registry.

However, if you would still like to celebrate our wedding with a gift, we have a couple of suggestions:

We’re both big admirers of the work that Doctors Without Borders does, especially after the latest Ebola crisis, so one option would be to make a donation to them in our names. Here’s more information on how to do that:

Another option would be a contribution to our honeymoon in Italy. One way to do that might be Paypal (to ecostarr(at) via the “Send Money to Friends and Family” option).

But again, your good wishes are truly the best wedding present that we can imagine, and we are so very appreciative of them. Thank you for your friendship and support as we start our new lives together as a married couple.